Thomas Peter
About Me:
Married (Estina), 3 children (Thomas Jr., Miracle, Praise)
Calling to Ministry:
Call to Ministry: In 2010 I was at a seminar concerning the word of God and something happened in me showing that I needed to change my life. After hearing the word of God I knew that I needed to change and receive Jesus as my savior. In secondary school I had girlfriends but being sexually involved even though I was going to church and being involved in student organizations but in 2010 God showed me it was wrong and I needed to change.
At a certain time in 2017 I was sleeping and I heard a voice that said “get up.” A little later I heard another voice and it showed me a room like this (PITA Classroom), and a man told me that I had to repent and start following the word of God. I had a vision in 2018 and there were pastors and one of the pastors was cutting something that they were decorating in the church and the voice said, “Don’t be like this.” I went to my pastors and they told me that I was called by God. My pastor took me places and had me preach and I knew that I was called to be a pastor.
CCAP in area 23. At first the pastor was not excited about me coming to PTIA but after much discussion he was willing to let me come here. Heard about PTIA from the radio. I called and found out more about it. I’ve been in CCAP my whole life. Serving as an elder at my CCAP church.
Dreams for Ministry: In my heart what I would like to do after my education is to preach the word of God so that many people can know about salvation and come to Christ. My interest is to preach the word of God.
How Can I Pray For You: As of now I’m hungry for the Lord to give me a desire so that I can preach in a way that I will be a strong pastor that will produce fruit that God is expecting. You know nowadays many people are taking ministry to have meetings and do what they want to do, but I want to have salvation for myself and for people in the world. I desire to be a real man of God. I want to have a strong body that can help me to reach everywhere with the word of God.